Clover Research
Clover Research provides professional market research for healthcare industry.
Our expertise in Russian healthcare is based on wide experience in numerous topics.
We know which Rx drugs are actually OTC, and when pharmacists are decision-makers. We know the names of Gaucher, Dupuytren and Hodgkin, and who picks costs of the respective therapies. We go beyond safety and efficiency, because we know what success factors work. We know where to find payors, and when this will add value at all. After many years, we’ve learned a lot about the market. But one thing remains exciting – when knowledge contributes to your success. We don’t do anything one may ask. We chose the best way.
- Our mission is understanding between healthcare businesses and clients. It is brining valid and actionable knowledge. Utilizing all capabilities of market research. We develop the research industry.
- Our goal is establishing new standards of service quality in research.
- Our method is improving and accumulating the industry knowledge. We develop our specialists and value them. We understand that research is people.