These topics are what is typical. What is always individual - set of the topics, and their purpose.
We deliver:
Quantitative surveys
- Personal interviews (FTF)
- Diary studies
- Phone interviews
Feasible only for very short questionnaires with simple questions. Most clinics have fixed phones on reception only, its not really convenient to talk. Still, almost all physicians gladly spare 2-3 minutes of their time to help us. But not longer.
- On-line
Mostly, feasible for big homogenous populations: patients with relatively high-prevalent diseases, pharmacists, etc. For most of the physician specialties, sampling of internet users is yet causing serious bias.
- Hall-test
Qualitative surveys
- Expert interviews
- Focus-groups
- In-depth interviews, diads, triads
Our resources
We have long cooperation history with fieldwork agencies, transcribers, coders, translators, etc. During years, we’ve selected the most professional vendors, we understand well their practices, capabilities and limitations.
We have resources to decode ‘doctors handwriting’, to properly translate package insert to Russian, and a psychiatrist’s interview – to English, to validate a client’s contact list, to make phone survey on the Far East and on-line study with young moms. We use to do all of this.
- National network of fieldwork agencies across the whole Russia and CIS.
- Partner call-center with specially designed software for surveying clinics.
- Partner on-line agency with national-wide panel.
- Translators, transcribers and coders graduated in medicine.
- Secondary sources, proven valid.
At the moment our key focus is ad-hoc studies. Syndicated or other open-result products are in plans, but not available yet. Please watch for the updates.